Saturday, July 28, 2012

What Are Some New, Exciting Technologies With Potential Healthcare Applications?

For anybody with an interest in retail, I’d encourage you to check out PSFK’s Future of Retail Report, which has a lot of great quick hits on retail strategies.  One technology that I was particularly interested in was an app from Neiman Marcus that alerts sales associates when a customer visits a store.  The associate then has access to sales history and customer preferences, while the customer can access product information at their fingertips.

Let’s apply this to healthcare, where a patient might be able to broadcast medical history or preferences to different stakeholders.  At one end of the spectrum, a patient could list their health-related questions or ask for assistance through an app at a pharmacy or health provider, creating a better, more personalized experience.  At the other end, an electronic health record could be built into a phone and be able to be broadcast to or downloaded via secure line at a hospital when the patient enters.  Biggest hurdle is security and privacy, but could be overcome in the future.

The second technology, also via PSFK, is an extension of my fridge magnet idea from a previous post.  The Virtual Fridge Lock attaches to a refrigerator and monitors when a person opens it.  If that person uses it during an unauthorized time, the fridge sends a message to their social networks and gives friends the chance to comment (with either encouragement, similar to the Nike+ running app, or criticism).

This idea uses all the great elements of gamefication and social motivation, although I wonder how many people will invite this self-induced criticism.  Given that people use social networks more than ever to shape their personal image, will they be willing to admit weight is a problem and shame themselves to lose a few pounds?

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